Monday, September 29, 2008

Another template freebie...

Hi here's another template for your enjoyment.



'Even the smallest star shines in the dark'

I used these wonderful products that are a real fave at the moment!!! They are available at

Britt-ish Designs - Used and Abused Papers 2 and Hang In There hangers

Lisa Habisreutinger Two-toned Denim alpha

Available for download here :

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm back with another freebie

Been away painting my Mum's house until I could paint no more. Here is my new freebie 'Lotsashots Template' to celebrate my return.



Available for download here folks :) :

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Flower Power freebie template

It's my first day at home with the kids on school hols today so I managed to get a snappy template done. I was thinking flowers but groovy flowers not flowery flowers if that makes sense. I reckon you could even use this one for a boy LO... there's a challenge :) If anyone does then let me know I'd love to see what you came up with.

I used Ellie Lash's beautiful Dream Kit which I received as a welcome gift at Isn't it lovely.

Enjoy Flower Power..



It's available for download here :

Saturday, September 20, 2008

U Spin Me Round Round Baby Template freebie

This is my last one for the day... gotta vaccuum and mop now :(



You can download it here :


Friday, September 19, 2008

Enjoying the peace and quiet (oh and a freebie template!)

Can you tell I am home alone.... There is just me, the dog and the canary and wonderful silence! That means I can do stuff without anyone interrupting so here iss another template. It looks a bit blahhh but gee I am happy with how it came out as a LO. This is my mate's little girl. She has such a chubby face and so gorgeous but man what a livewire :) thus this LO...

I used some wonderful freebies I found over at designed by Simply Sweet Designs - 'Hoo's Ready For Fall' Add-on and Autumn Crisp Alpha Pack. I snagged them whilst visiting her blog -

The actual kits are just incredible so go check them out.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did :



You can download it here :

Little Boxes on the Hillside template

Wow how prolific - another template for my visitors...



Thursday, September 18, 2008

Chic Template

I made a new template today. My boy is home sick so I've had the day at home as well. Had a little play between nursemaid duty... Hope you enjoy.



It is available to download here:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Watermelon Summer


Here in Australia we are just leaving winter and it won't be long until our hot summer is upon us. I was mucking around with Chris Greiser's Spring In My Step Kit and when I saw these two papers together immediately thought water melon which then led me to cold on a hot day which in turn led me to thoughts of summer and thus this LO was born. I rarely do a LO without photos but this was fun and I quite like how it came out. Sorta graphic artist!!! The font is Blomster from

Third page for Blog Me Challenge...

Here is number three...


Download here

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Missing someone...

Is there someone in your life you miss? You mightn't think about them every minute of every day but they are there in all the things you do. For me it is my Nan. She and I were very close and even though I lost her years ago I still tear up every now and then. This is a LO I did today for my CT at (mmm yeah I had a little cry). It's a gorgeous kit and so, so, so detailed that I sat there for ages just checking out different bits and pieces. Nice job Scrappin Diva - Afternoon tea kit.


Trick or Treat QP

Here it is - QP No.2 for the Blog Me challenge. Once again using
Cyndi Wetmiller - Wetfish Designs 'Spooky Fun' Kit - available here :

I called this one 'Trick or Treat?' Love the little felt star and moon shapes and of course my favourite the spider!!!

Download it here ... ?


Friday, September 12, 2008


Here it is the first instalment of my Blog Me challenge...


And an example. Bit stuck though as we don't really celebrate Halloween in Australia! So just had to make do with silly photos of the kids :) I'm sure you get the idea though.


You can download it here :

This challenge is sponsored by Cyndi Wetmiller - Wetfish Designs with her great 'Spooky Fun' kit. So with Halloween fast approaching it's the perfect kit to grab - lots of fun elements and frames to go with a range of gorgeous papers. All in the back, purple, orange & yellow colour scheme that screams 'BOO'. You can grab the kit for yourself here :
Cyndi Wetmiller's 'Spooky Fun' Kit -

Visit these blogs over the coming days to pick up more pages from my fellow participants:



Did up a snappy LO with Chris Greiser's new Midnight Plum Kit available at It's funny but the kit is full of these lovely colours yet it is the quieter, softer ones that are drawing me in. Hence this one... I had a play at creating my own tears and bent over paper to get the double-sided paper look. I was quite pleased with the final product really.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I neeeeeeeeed sleep

Big week - getting DL ready for travellin', picked up kids, got hmpfff'd at by my ex (wish he'd build a bridge and get over it!), friends over, out for dinner, out to formal dinner to get my clasp for 20 years with the police service. Don't seem to have managed eight hours yet! AND I don't do mornings at the best of times!!!

Now I have my lovely blog I have signed up for the 'Blog Me' challenge at divine. We get to play with Wetfish (Love that name!) Designs halloween kit and make QP's etc which we will post in our blogs for people to pick up. We'll also list the names of everyone else participating so our lovely visitors can pick up all of our gifts. Great idea I reckon!


You know I only discovered templates through the wonderful Sketchabilities series from Hetty over at I am up to No.36 (though I do have to go back and do some of the early ones as they were around before I joined divine). Then of course Chris is a bit handy with a template as well so I guess I am lucky to have a couple of rolemodels as such. Anyway I thought I would give it a shot. For ages I couldn't figure out how to make thenm and then ... well you've seen the cartoons where the big lightbulb goes on over your head :) Anyways here it is my first ever one. I decided to name them ... Hetty has the numbers covered :) so here is my Lunar-cy Template - All the circles made me think of the moon true... I'm not insane :)
You can download it here -

Now I just have to get brave enough to let people know it is here!

And here is my example LO called PROUD. This is my big tough guy Dad and his brand new baby grand daughter. He was in the labour ward for her birth and just adores her. He is so PROUD in this photo as he tries to hold this tiny little soul.



This is one of the many LO's I managed to churn out over the weekend... and churn was the word. Firstly if I haven't mentioned in my previous posts... argggghhhh post... I am on the Creative Team for Chris Greiser aka Scrappinpeep aka Sketch Me If You Can Designs. I always loved Chris's stuff (mmm I think it was a serious designer crush actually :) ) so when I saw the call for her CT I was first in line. I was absolutely rapt when I was selected so do my best to produce as many LO's as possible with her gear. Anyway (whoa back Kaz - back to the original train of thought) I was home alone on the weekend - DL (darling love) is off on a conference and FB (first born) & MG (my girl) were with the father one. So I scrapped ... ummm I scrapped a lot to be honest. Chris gave us a free pass to her new Grab Bag and it was seriously chockers with excellent stuff. First and foremost she answered my request for some frames - crumpled and with shadows ... oh and skinny NOT FAT!!! I get a little frustrated when I drag a frame out to fit some bigger photos and proceed to lose the paper cos it is massive so skinny was the request. Perfect I say perfect... the lovely lady got it just right! Then just to make it even better we got these super cool sorta hippy tie dye papers and these super cool corrugated leaves in the full autumn colour range. Accompanying these were these great glitter trails. Then we got an alpha and also some lovely templates. So I got to play with them and then on Sunday night I discovered a wonderful freebie template on Chris's blog so I downloaded that and had a play. I am hopeless with templates and tend to do twenty versions before I find the one I like (lucky for digital scrappin huh!!!). Anyway this LO was version 16 or something like that. I ended up reverting to an earlier CT assignment and using Maui Breeze. Love the brown and green colour combination and it suited the photo sooooo well. Michelle was sitting in the back of the car at our car park party and I took this shot with the new SLR. Some of the shots have the moon in the background - a gorgeous winter evening. So here it is - SPECIAL. My favourite bits - the circles (so technically actually Chris's work), the date stamp on the frame (mmm Chris again) and the font. Isn't it just delicious - BIRTH OF A HERO at dafont. Don't get me started on fonts ... that's a whole other entry :)

A new day...

I had a blog. I think the dog ate it after it finished with my homework. Or maybe I accidently hit the delete button when I leant over to grab my coffee. Or maybe I left the window open and someone came in and stole it. Or maybe it was never real and I just imagined the whole thing. Or maybe just maybe I didn't reeeeeeeeeeally like it so I have decided to start afresh and do it bigger... and better. So this is it - my new blog - my first entry. Welcome to my humble blogbode... May your visits be many and your fun be much.